Trading Journal – Week 14 (process: breakeven/ money: breakeven)

Apr 5, 2022 | Playbook


A trading journal is a powerful tool meant to help become a profitable and stronger trader. Essentially, it is a written record of what happened during a trade.

1. Follow THE rules

  1. Take only high quality trades (Ratio 1:3, be patient)
  2. Follow Smart Money and Supply/Demand zones
  3. Buy only at resistance / sell at resistance
  4. After three losses, stop trading
follow the rules

2. AVOID mistakes

  1. Do not chase the price
  2. Stay patient (wait for pullbacks)
  3. Max 10 trades a day
  4. Max loss a day 30 USD
  5. You are Manager of your trade and Market is your boss
follow the rules

04/04/2022 – 08/04/2022

bitcoin 01-04-2022
bitcoin 01-04-2022
bitcoin 01-04-2022
bitcoin 01-04-2022
bitcoin 01-04-2022
bitcoin 01-04-2022




  • This week i had to close all my positions so far. 
  • I have also overtraded bitcoin back and forth 100x loosing money as usually on commissions and other staff.
  • Market can go only up or down, i earned money last two weeks assuming market needs to go up and went up, i left this trade open for more than a week and had a great win.
  • However when market decided to go down i still wanted and was assuming he needs to go up, but it did not happen. Market went down. 
  • If there is a huge uncertainty i should stay away from trading and check out what will happen.
  • I need to keep my hardly earned capital as a buffer for worst days.

4. Weekly summary

trades summary
  1. I have closed XPRT position with small loss and then breakeven, also had a win week before so overall did not lost on it. It was a good move
  2. I keep open position on PORT
  3. I have opened two positions on UNISWAP: PandaDao + MET (metroverse, looks outstanding)
  4. I had 400 USD+ profits on SOL/USDT long and move stop loss to 50% profit, it was hit and afterwards price dropped below so it was very good decision.
    1. Too much small open positions, learn how to wait wait wait.
    2. You need to be sniper no kid who shoots where he can and loosing a lot of small positions fees etc


      It was rather loss or break even week, i have again was not patient and did not restrict my rules



      It was break even week, i have lost, i have earned some, break even will be best summary overall

      Days till end of 2023








      Days till end of 2024








      Days till end of 2025






